Limitations of Federal, State, and Tribal Law
This analysis examines current federal, state, and tribal laws and the limitations that affect their ability to protect victims of domestic violence.
Trends in Firearm Legislation and Case Law
This webinar provides an overview of legislative changes and firearm case law, current as of July of 2017.
Firearms and Domestic Violence Statutes by State
This matrix contains state and territorial firearm statutes as they relate to civil protection orders, criminal offenses, procedures, prohibited transferees, licenses/permits, and background checks.
Trends in Firearm Legislation and Case Law
This webinar provides an overview of legislative changes and recent firearms case law, including discussion of state-specific implications and potential changes to the federal law.
Federal and State Firearm Prohibitions
Part One of this webinar explores both federal and state gun prohibitions related to domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking. Part Two of this webinar explores coordination amongst federal counterparts and included discussion of current community efforts to address firearms in the hands of batterers.