Voisine v. US: Federal Gun Ban Includes "Reckless" Domestic Assault Convictions

Sandra Tibbetts Murphy, J.D. | BWJP |

Legal and Policy Analysis

This analysis looks at Voisine v. US, a Supreme Court case from 2016, which established the Lautenberg Amendment that expanded firearm ownership prohibition under federal law.

Firearms and Domestic Violence Statutes by State

National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit | BWJP |

Statute Guides & Matrices

This matrix contains state and territorial firearm statutes as they relate to civil protection orders, criminal offenses, procedures, prohibited transferees, licenses/permits, and background checks.

18 USC § 922(g)(9) Case Law

National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit | BWJP |

Statute Guides & Matrices

This matrix is a compilation of case law involving the federal firearm prohibitor 18 USC 922(g)(9) and misdemeanor crimes of domestic violence (MCDV).

Firearm Checklist: Advocates

National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit | BWJP |

Tools, Guides & Forms

This checklist provides information for advocates facilitating a discussion with survivors about firearms.

Firearm Checklist: Judges

National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit | BWJP |

Tools, Guides & Forms

This checklist for judges provides key information on the federal Gun Control Act provisions prohibiting purchase or possession of firearms by those subject to a protection order or those convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.