Federal Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Related Firearm Crimes
This webinar provides an overview of federal statues that are available to prosecute domestic violence and stalking offenders, and and discusses how system actors can work cooperatively with federal prosecutors to pursue charges.
Nonfatal Intimate Partner Violence: The Special Role of Firearms
In this webinar, two researchers who have worked with individuals, community groups, and government agencies review key points about what is known about how guns are used in nonfatal IPV.
Overview of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence and Firearms
This webinar is an introduction and overview of the National Domestic Violence and Firearms Resource Center.
Domestic Violence and Firearms: Research on Statutory Interventions
This paper explores the research on statutory interventions regarding the intersection of domestic violence and firearms.
Multiple Victim Homicides, Mass Murders, and Homicide-Suicides as Domestic Violence Events
This paper and related webinar cover how often multiple victim intimate partner homicides and homicide-suicides occur, the frequency of firearm use in these homicides, and opportunities for intervention.